
strawberry lips ... [ some in family photos ]

strawberry lips ... [ family photos ]

some things beautifuls ...


what's in your big pickle jar ? - gian notes - vittles for littles - raw cleanse for oppression -

what's in your big pickle jar ? - gian notes - vittles for littles -  raw cleanse for oppression - one small organic raw cauliflower one small yellow [vidalia/sweet] raw onion  one large bunch of raw parsley leaves  one box of fresh raw chives in herb section ---------- [1] chop/shred/slice ingredients finely [2] use organic wherever possible  [3]mix well together in your large pickle jar [4]add 1/4-1/2 cup canola  [5[ add 3-6 tablespoons flax seed oil [6]  [coat well and evenly]  [ i use spectrum oils; or use other organic cold pressed versions ] --- [7]let sit one hour to overnight  to coat soak in the oils  --- add garlic lemons juice and chili peppers more oil if needed plus sprinkle each serving with organic [bob's red mill] - wheat germ - ----------- optional add a cup of soaked overnight wheat berries - or cooked pasta  - blend well to make a scoop able mixture to eat with a spoon or add to hot water  ---------- or optional for very littles  [mix one snall bo

2/27 gian notes emailing [template] 2/27 gian notes emailing 2/27 money support team requests [ daily money support requests + important supplemental needs ] 2/27 ... follow the truth and your own truth too ..

— for hhh - 2/27 gian notes emailing [template] 2/27 gian notes emailing 2/27 money support team requests [ daily money support requests + important supplemental needs ] 2/27 + unless you follow the path of truth, the truth could not defend you + [ see also] [on February 2 2023 - for hhh - 11/1 12/23 rights voice leadership permissions - [w/updated permissions 12/23] + IMPORTANT NOTE 2/4 important fine print regarding permissions for each on a list of women plus MSC and ST [updated 2/4] - bbgfhp - ] 2/27 gian notes emailing 2/27 money support team requests [daily money support requests + important supplemental needs ] 2/27 + gian notes emailing [template] 2/27 - bbgfhp - — ------------------------ gian notes 2/27  money support team requests 2/27  - daily money requests - ------------------------ 2/27 daily x7days 47.77 daily securities 20 communications  total 67.77 important supp needs   [see gian notes 2/20 2/15] 450-4300 still waiting for 450-4300 so I could get a hotel room for a

2/15 gian notes emailing money support team requests 2/15 + unless you follow the path of truth, the truth could not defend you + on February 2 2023 - for hhh - 11/1 12/23 rights voice leadership permissions - [w/updated permissions 12/23] + IMPORTANT NOTE 2/4 important fine print regarding permissions for each on a list of women plus MSC and ST [updated 2/4] - bbgfhp - gian notes emailing money support team requests 2/15

 — 2/15 gian notes template - money support team requests 2/15 — — 2/15 gian notes emailing money support team requests 2/15 + unless you follow the path of truth, the truth could not defend you + on February 2 2023 - for hhh - 11/1 12/23 rights voice leadership permissions - [w/updated permissions 12/23] + IMPORTANT NOTE 2/4 important fine print regarding permissions for each on a list of women plus MSC and ST [updated 2/4] - bbgfhp - gian notes emailing money support team requests 2/15  — ------------------------ gian notes 2/15  money support team requests 2/15 - daily money requests - ------------------------ 2/16 daily 240 40 daily securities  50 paperwork  150 needed for imp groceries [product support] supp needs 450 450-4300 for a hotel room shower and laundry plus important foods superfoods clothes and tools and herbs important to our health  total 710 2/15  daily 160 40 daily securities  20 communications  50 paperwork  50 cleaning   supp needs 450 450-4300 for a hotel room sh